Monday, October 28, 2013
The God Box
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
To Forgive or Not to Forgive
Forgive or not to forgive? Forgiveness is not an easy thing to do. When one forgives, it is the most freeing feeling you will ever experience. The problem with not being able to forgive is that it hinders us from so many things and we don't even realize it. It starts as just an offense and then it begins to take root in our hearts. We are more than just hurt, now we are angry. Before we know it, we have so much resentment built inside of us that it starts to leech into other areas of our lives.
God's word says, “When you forgive this man, I forgive him, too. In addition, when I forgive whatever needs to be forgiven, I do so with Christ’s authority for your benefit, so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes" (2 Corinthians 2:10-11 NLT). Unforgiveness is part of Satan's scheme, it's a trap. It benefits us when we forgive those who have hurt us. Otherwise, we become prisoners to the offense, while the ones who hurt us are living life carefree.
When I chose to surrender my life completely to God, I had to release the grip I had on an offense that happened to my husband and me. A person who was so close to us had hurt us and another friend so badly. I have never been so mad at someone in my life and I felt that I deserved to feel this way. I wanted revenge so badly. I would rehearse the conversation I would have with them in my head, over and over again. Oh, I would so tell them about themselves. I would say the most hurtful things because they deserved it. The hurt they caused was so selfish and unnecessary that they deserved whatever came their way. After everything we had been through together and being there for them through the hardest time of their lives. How could they do this and sleep at night?
One Sunday morning I was on stage leading worship at church. Singing with all my heart about how much I love God and want to be like Him and I opened my eyes and saw our nemesis walk in. It made me sick to my stomach. I hadn't seen this person since the offense had taken place. I couldn't even believe they had the nerve to come to church! Right then God confronted me. "You’re singing to me that you love me and want to be like me yet you won’t forgive this person like I have forgiven you." REALLY! I begged God, "please don't make forgive them just yet. I will do it, just not right now. I'm still so hurt and angry". I tried reasoning with God but He would not let it go. The message in church that morning just happened to be on forgiveness. Don't you just love it when God speaks to you like that? As I am trying to hold back the tears, God slowly starts to soften my heart. I realized that the longer I held on to this hurt and anger, the more it would hinder me from all the things God has planned for me. I could not move forward with what He was calling me to do until I released the resentment I had towards this person. The realization brought me to "the ugly cry". You know, when you’re crying so hard you can't breathe and snot is just a flowin'. Yes that "ugly cry".
You see I had such a tight grip on this hurt that I would not let go of it and let God deal with the person in His own way. God is a just God so why I thought my way was better I have no idea. Maybe because God is so forgiving I knew that this person deserved my revenge. Circumstances dictated that I should feel the way that I did and revenge was a normal response...right. However, was revenge enough? Would it make me feel better? In addition, who was revenge really for, them or me? Holding onto the anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
I was the one in complete sin. I was allowing that anger to control me, which in turn gave Satan a foothold. I remembered the scripture that said, “Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God, through Christ, has forgiven you". (Ephesians 4:26, 27, 31, 32 NLT) I love when scripture jumps off the page and smacks you in the face. Well...sometimes! Here I was doing the very thing God's word tells me not to. Moreover, in case I didn't get it the first time, I got this little reminder. "But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves". (James 1:22 NLT) UGH!
I am reminded that one of his own disciples betrayed even Jesus, and I am sure, when he was dying on that cross, he did not have the "woe is me" attitude. Jesus thought this betrayal and forgave Judas without any hesitation. Jesus suffered so that all could be forgiven (Colossians 3:13). So, who do I think I am to believe that I deserve God’s grace and this person doesn’t? Everyone deserves his grace. I know I am desperate for his grace...DAILY.
When we choose to forgive we are not letting them off the hook, we are releasing ourselves from the bondage that the offense has caused. Forgive others not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace. Forgive so you can be free!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Are You A Fan Or A Follower?
This question may seem like the same thing but I feel like there is a huge difference between a fan and a follower. Let’s use the example of a famous singer. When I think of a fan I think of someone who goes to concerts when the star is in town, buys a new CD when it comes out, maybe a poster or a t-shirt. A follower is dedicated. They go to every concert no matter the distance, a follower knows every detail about that singer’s life, talks about that person as if they are best friends, not caring if they are not popular anymore or if they do something that is morally wrong. They will follow them to the very end.
Which one am I when it comes to Christ? I would like to say that I'm a follower but if I'm being completely honest, sometimes, I'm just a fan. I go to church on Sunday because I know God will be there and it’s what I'm supposed to do. I listen to Christian music and if it is convenient for me, I will read a couple scriptures, say a prayer and call it my "quiet time."
Being just a fan is not what we have been called to be, we are called to be true followers of Christ. His word tells us to pick up our cross and follow Him (Mark 8:34). In fact in Luke 9:23 He tells us to pick up our cross daily. Not when we feel like it, or when it's convenient for us. Choosing to follow Him every day, no matter the cost.
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go to
I have a huge conviction about this story. Is that how I am about God? Do I get excited to see Him? Do I go looking all around for Him, anticipating that He will show up, only to find that when I see Him, I completely chicken out at really experiencing Him because it’s uncomfortable or it’s not convenient for me. If I do experience Him, does it change my life or does it become just a memory and life goes on as usual? Do I really want to be a true follower of Christ or does it just sound like a good idea? I could live this life being just a fan, but is that enough for me?
The only problem with just being a fan is I completely miss His promise of abundant life. Being a fan would be the safest way but it would be so boring, routine, and mundane. However, being a follower would be much more exciting! It would be hard and uncomfortable at times but it would all be worth it. With God, you never know what to expect. Even when you think you have Him figured out He does something that blows your mind. His thoughts and His ways are so much bigger than ours are (Isaiah 55:8).
Carrying that cross and following Him is not easy. The cross is heavy, we get tired, weary, frustrated so we put it down, not because we do not want to follow Him anymore but because sometimes we need a break, just a chance to catch our breath. In addition, that’s when Satan comes in and kicks our cross to the side. He tempts us, lies to us so we feel better about putting the cross down. It's all part of his scheme, as long as we are not carrying that cross, we aren’t effective.
I know what you're thinking, Charlyn, you don't know the weight of my cross. You don't know how heavy it really is. The beauty of that is that He knows. We were never meant to carry that cross by ourselves. Cast your worries to Him for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). He knows your cross is heavy, that's why He promises over and over that He will never leave you or forsake you (Deut. 31:6, 8, Josh 1:5, Heb13:5). He will be your strength when you are weak (2Cor 12:10).
You might be like me and want to carry someone else's cross because it looks easier or lighter. Their life looks a lot better than mine does sometimes. However, God gave you your cross because you are the only one that could carry it. Though their cross might look easier, until you carry it you have no idea how heavy it really is. You probably couldn't even handle their cross if you had to. God asks that you "pick up YOUR cross and follow me" not someone else's burden.
Sometimes we make our cross heavier than it needs to be. We allow our past, our insecurities, and our bad decisions to chain us down. Not only is our cross heavy but we cannot move forward even if we want to. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NLT). The burden He has given us is light but sometimes we are the ones that make our cross so heavy to bear.
If you are reading this and you have put your cross down to catch your breath, I encourage you to seek God and ask Him to give you the strength to pick it up again. He loves you. He created you to have a relationship with Him so you would not have to do this on your own. There is rest in Him without having to put your cross down. What is so exciting is that at the end, there will be a day where we get to lay our cross at the foot of His throne. Out of breath and sweat dripping down our face we look up at our God and He will say the words "You did it! You have finished the race, well done my good and faithful servant." And what a glorious day that will be!